** Due to the on-going Covid-19 health crisis, the Education Committee has changed this all-day seminar into an all-day webinar only. Please note that the cost of the webinar has been reduced by $50 for members and non-members. Those who have already registered at the $240/$340 levels will receive a refund check of $50, SEAW administration will contact you **
Are you ready for the 2018 IBC? The SEAW Education Committee is hosting an all-day webinar about the changes to the structural provisions of the 2018 IBC which is scheduled for adoption by the State of Washington on July 1st of 2020.
This webinar is a continuation of the September 2019 seminar that presented the changes to ASCE 7-16 and ASCE 41-17 and will focus on the materials standards. It will take place on Saturday May 16, 2020. Save the date!
The May webinar will cover:
Chapter 17: Special Inspections
Chapter 21: Masonry (TMS 402/602-2016)
Chapter 22: Steel
AISC 360-16
AISC 341-16
AISI S240-15 & S400-15/S1-16
Chapter 23: Wood (NDS 2018)
Tall Wood Building provisions
City of Seattle amendments
City of Seattle URM ordinance
Webinar 9:00 am - 4:30 pm (may end sooner)
Online only
Cost per person:
Members $190
Non-Members $290
Students $50
Notes only $100 (.pdf only)
Sponsor options:
Sponsor Name in notes $150.
Ed Huston, PE, SE, Smith & Huston Inc.
Jon Siu, PE, SE, Department of Construction & Inspections, City of Seattle
Nancy Devine, PE, SE, Department of Construction & Inspections, City of Seattle
Erik Lofthus, PE, SE, KPFF
Hans-Erik Blomgren, PE, SE, P.Eng. Struct.Eng., Katerra
Others (TBD)
This webinar will qualify for 5 to 6.5 PDH's (exact duration is still being determined) for the person registered only. PDF of the notes emailed the day before the webinar.
Click here to Register!
Click here to add to your calendar!
$25.00 late registration fee has been waived! Cancellation of registration will be subject to a $25.00 administrative fee.