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Advertise in the Equilibrium! Click here to purchase your advertisement! Once purchased, email us your advertisement!

Advertising options include:

  • Help Wanted Ad (200 words or less) - $65

  • Sidebar Ad (180 x 180 pixels) - $115

  • Column Ad (280 x 200 pixels) - $150

  • Banner Ad (590 x 50 pixels) - $190

Submitting to the Equilibrium: 

  1. All members are welcome to submit articles to Equilibrium. To help you with your writer's block, here are a few topics: Write Engineer's Notes from Afield, summarize an interesting technical design you worked on, write about how you have been successful and increased productivity with an accounting procedure or marketing technique, write about your experiences in community services, or share some construction site photos and talk about lessons learned.

  2. “A Picture and a Paragraph.” And please use the Article submittal form provided. Please note that when I say, “picture” I mean an actual “picture” and not a blank space where the “picture” should be. And the picture needs a caption along with the names of the people in the photo.

  3. Please submit your articles in Word format using the Article Template.

SEAW State Equilibrium

View previous SEAW State Equilibriums below:
