Dinner Presentation: Updates on the City of Seattle’s Unreinforced Masonry (URM) Program
Are you aware that the City of Seattle has an official process to recognize Unreinforced Masonry (URM) buildings as retrofitted? Join us over dinner to celebrate the successful partnership between SEAW and the City of Seattle to develop an alternate minimum URM retrofit standard and an official process to recognize the life-saving retrofits of these seismically vulnerable structures. You’ll also hear about the city’s efforts to obtain funding and pursue mandatory retrofit legislation. This presentation will be interactive, we want to hear your ideas for future partnership opportunities, and spaces for sharing lessons learned, such as future meetings, technical forums, or conference abstracts.
We are happy to welcome three presenters from the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI): Kai Ki Mow, P.E., S.E., Amanda Hertzfeld, and Derek Ohlgren, P.E.
Presentation sponsored by Python Fasteners.