The “Washington Safety Assessment of Facilities Evaluators Program (WAsafe): Building Safety Evaluations R Us” class is being offered on Thursday, March 18, 2021, 8:30am – 4:30pm. This all-virtual class is based on the internationally recognized ATC-20 and ATC-45 procedures and includes WAsafe, Washington State’s program for volunteer post-disaster building safety evaluators. The class will meet the requirements for WAsafe Building Safety Evaluators Training for those who wish to become WAsafe volunteer emergency workers or renew their enrollment in WAsafe.
The class is being presented at the Annual Education Institute (AEI) by the Washington Association of Building Officials (WABO). The AEI runs March 15 – 18, and offers a variety of all-virtual, one-day classes. See the AEI brochure for complete details here. The WAsafe class description is on page 10 of the brochure; a registration form for the AEI is on page 11. You can also register online at this link. Price for the one-day class is based on a one-day registration at the AEI. For those who are not members of WABO, the price is $175 by Feb 12, $200 thereafter. Last day to register is March 5. As explained in the AEI brochure, the ATC Field Manuals can be ordered separately from either the WABO Bookstore or from the Applied Technology Council.