Join WA ACI Chapter in welcoming Eleanor A. Jackson, P.E. Ship Canal Water Quality Project Design Manager, Seattle Public Utilities.
Ms. Jackson grew up in Seattle and graduated from the UW with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. For 35 years, she has worked with the City of Seattle and is currently the Design Manager for the Ship Canal Water Quality Project.
Plan to join us on March 18th at 4:30 pm to benefit from Ms. Jackson's experience and first-hand knowledge of this extensive project as she presents the planning, scope, and current status of this ongoing 7-year project. Zoom invitation below. No registration required.
Seattle Public Utilities and King County Wastewater Treatment Division in partnership are jointly building an underground storage tunnel.
The Ship Canal Water Quality Project includes a 2.7-mile, 18-ft, and 10-in internal-diameter tunnel that will extend from Ballard to Wallingford. Along the tunnel path, five vertical shafts will be built (in Ballard, East Ballard, Fremont, Queen Anne, and Wallingford) to convey flows from existing neighborhood systems to the storage tunnel. Construction began in 2018 and will continue through 2025.
Join online via Zoom or by telephone at (253) 215-8782 - Check your email for Meeting ID & Passcode